livin’ with lib
let’s get a little more personal! take a peek into my beautiful little life i live!
postcards and stamps
you and me go fishing in the sea!
stained glass windows
hands twisting in the light
some people just make you happy
like really really happy.
the united kingdom
join me in prayer!
the taste of laughter
a little letter to my own personal comedian.
here’s to chai.
why I care about Israel and the Jewish people. (and why you should too)
daisies and puff pastries
its been two months. a life and house update.
liturgy of the ordinary
just to honor You and bring You praise, may my worship be pure.
seventy two
Jesus, bring new wine out of me.
let’s talk Europe.
i flew halfway across the world with my best friend.
a letter to my dad
who knew tikki tikki tembo would make a girl cry!
there is Liberty
hey Jesus, I love you, too.
numero uno
my first semester in a nutshell